Monday, July 11, 2011

My weekend

I died, Literally, My weekend, was horrible. one of the best things that did happen was me seeing the new transformers movie. It was nice. The new movie compared to all the old ones was executed in a darker way. thats the only good thing that happened to me over the weekend.

The bad things that happened made me feel like I lost my wrist for the whole summer. It started off  with me and my friends geting our longboards out going longboarding. we decided to go to the back road behind his house. instead of walking up the hill we used his dirt bike to pull us up the hill. it was a great idea. at first. we were doing thid for an our untill we decided to switch drivers. now its my friends brother driving the bike. we were going down the hill for a 6th time if I remember correctly. we also were coming up to a dog leg left and this is the kind of turn that scares you when its a one car length wide street. as we come close to the turn the worst thing in the world happens. A car comes around the corner... so i am thinking to my self "Oh Shit" so i was looking at the car and were it was placed and it looked like i could make it through the little gap. but my friend in front of me on the dirt bike decided to stop and let the car pass so i try to stop by bailing and trying to run it off and I end up landing on my wrist and barrel rolling into the bushes. I go to the hospital the next morning and figure out that I fractured my wrist.

So i gues I did lose my wrist for the summer

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