Monday, July 18, 2011

My weekend

My weekend was pretty painfull. It started by killing my arm at a movie theatre. Then I almost blew off My limbs, and I played a serious game of Texas Hold 'em.

On friday me and my friends drove to the mall to hang out. While we were walking around and hanging out we saw this one kid about 2 years younger than me. He had the courage to just go right ahead and flip us off. He looked like the complete toolo. Once that happened I had to deffend my broskies so we confronted him and his little gang. Our little gang consisted of me a junior, 8th grader, and my brother who is in 7th grade. Their gang consisted of 2 sophmores 1 junior and a stupid looking 8th grader. so during the confrontation we said things that I can not repeat. eventually one of those tools finally threw the first punch. I said to myself "Oh its on now." the fight lasted 2 minutes. It was the easiest fight I've ever been in. They were from eastside catholic high school, thats why it was so easy. It was so easy that none of our guys went down while all of those punks did. After that, being chased by the Mall security was the bomb. We ran outside, around the parking lot and into the lincoln square cinemas. What hurt the most though was when my broken wrist was caught in a revolving door. then we saw horrible bosses an went on with our days.

The next day we played poker on my new poker table. I won 5 dollars. Ya thats right not fake canadian dollars, but real cold hard cash. I felt proud of myself. So in celebration we decided to go outside and mess around with the left over fircrackers from the 4th. We played a game called hot potatoe. We could not wear shoes, shirts and we could only wear shorts. I got cuts from the shrapnel that hurt like hell but the experience was way better.

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